Deivi’s Testimony

Since I found The Lord or rather The Lord found me. And he accepted me in His kingdom. I have been greatly blessed.

My life has changed in great ways. When I met Christ my spiritual eyes were opened and He taught me how far I am from being perfect and that I really need Him, and the closer I am to Jesus, the more I realize how amazingly perfect He is. Now as I walk in His paths I appreciate more my family and friends. Also I take better care of the assets He has entrusted me here on earth.

God’s plans for my life have been dramatically wonderful. He has been using and touching different people in their hearts and providing me with very nice things that bring me more security, happiness comfort and joy to my life.

Here are some examples:

  1. I learned English without attending an English language school, institution or program. I learned English by attending The English Church and serving God there.
  2. At the church I have wise, funny and spiritual friends who are brothers and sisters in Christ. All of them had to do with my spiritual maturity and growth in Him. I am so grateful.
  3. God has blessed me with a scholarship to finish a university program in radiology.
  4. God has put in my path of life wonderful pastors. They had been teaching me The Word of God for which I am very thankful and happy that God brought them into my life.
  5. I always recognize that Jesus is the greatest blessing. The Lord has brought many blessings to my life and I praise Him for all He has done for me.

– Deivi Novas

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